Tips for becoming a successful freelancer.
Freelancing, like other forms of casual labor, can be precarious work. Websites, books, portals and organizations for freelancers often feature advice on getting and keeping a steady work stream.
Beside the lack of job security, many freelancers also report the ongoing hassle of dealing with employers who don't pay on time and the possibility of long periods without work.
Additionally, freelancers do not receive employment benefits such as a pension, sick leave, paid holidays, bonuses or health insurance, which can be a serious hardship for freelancers residing in countries such as the US without universal health care[1].
Thanks a lot…….Bharath for your helpful post. Actually I haven’t any knowledge about freelancing. Now I got some idea about freelance after reading your post. Only I can do typing and Googling,, could I be a freelancer? if yes, then How? any suggestion from your site[2].
excellent post.